5 WFH Myths Dispelled by a Professional

Since a lot of people are now working from home, I’ve been hearing a lot of WFH tips that are useful and some that are just plain WRONG. As a WFH veteran I would like to dispel some of these myths.

Myth 1: Wake up at the same time you normally would when you had to go into the office.

Truth: This is perplexing. Someone basically said to you hey you don’t need to commute and if you choose you get to sleep an extra hour… and you somehow decide to throw that back into their face??? WRONG!! Delay your alarm by hour or better yet, don’t set an alarm. If we can’t ditch punctuality during a pandemic when can we?

Myth 2: Shower every morning.

Truth: Umm, why? Who are you going to see that will care if you’ve washed yourself down with Axe body wash (is that still a thing?) or whatever the latest Old Spice scent is? Take advantage of the no-shower life and add another 15 minutes to your sleep.

Myth 3: Shave every day.

Truth: Be a man. Grow that beard. Delay alarm 15 minutes.

If you don’t need to shave daily, delay your alarm 15 min anyway. We’re all in this together.

Myth 4: Dress like you’re going in to the office.

Truth: GRRR, ok let me see if I can understand this… If said to you “Hey, if you could live in a world where appearances don’t matter and you dress in anything for the rest of your life what would you pick?”. If you said a button-down shirt and slacks kindly see yourself out. In fact, if you said anything other than T-shirt/tank top + athletic shorts/sweats/PJs you are just flat out WRONG. Let’s at least try to enjoy the world ending while we’re dressed comfortably.

But wait, there’s more! If you already sleep in those comfy clothes (and if you’re a sane person, you probably already do) then save yourself some more time by not actually changing. Delay alarm 15 minutes.

On a serious note, I’d like to take this moment to advocate for sleep shorts. Imagine PJ pants, but shorts. Infinitely better for lounging around at home than basketball shorts.

Myth 5: You’re more productive because you miss all the “water cooler talk”.

Truth: If you’re missing water cooler talk then you have no idea what’s going on. Since that’s the case, block off 2 hours on your calendar daily for “current events”. Alternately, delay your alarm 2 hours.

I hope that helps!

Who are we kidding, of course that did!

Happy sleeping, err, I mean working!

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